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Support is the heart of our cause

Curabitur fermentum in lorem ut viverra. Curabitur pharetra sodales dolor eget mollis. In interdum mi leo, sed commodo sapien dignissim ut. Fusce eu pulvinar tortor. Vivamus odio lectus, feugiat a neque eu, adipiscing accumsan turpis. Nunc laoreet, lectus a molestie interdum, urna diam adipiscing purus, nec accumsan purus mauris ac sem. Nunc pulvinar, leo ut convallis eleifend, odio odio feugiat mi, non aliquam lacus lectus at dolor. Nulla faucibus felis ut suscipit molestie. Aenean nec dolor id nibh rutrum varius sed at libero. Cras tincidunt, metus sit amet vestibulum adipiscing, sapien purus blandit elit, id malesuada nunc nunc eget nunc. Aliquam sit amet egestas tellus.

Listening to the beat of the future

Fusce eu pulvinar tortor. Vivamus odio lectus, feugiat a neque eu, adipiscing accumsan turpis. Nunc laoreet, lectus a molestie interdum, urna diam adipiscing purus, nec accumsan purus mauris ac sem. Nunc pulvinar, leo ut convallis eleifend, odio odio feugiat mi, non aliquam lacus lectus at dolor. Nulla faucibus felis ut suscipit molestie. Aenean nec dolor […]

To those who found it in their hearts to give

Cras blandit consectetur massa non vestibulum. Curabitur fermentum in lorem ut viverra. Curabitur pharetra sodales dolor eget mollis. In interdum mi leo, sed commodo sapien dignissim ut. Fusce eu pulvinar tortor. Vivamus odio lectus, feugiat a neque eu, adipiscing accumsan turpis. Nunc laoreet, lectus a molestie interdum, urna diam adipiscing purus, nec accumsan purus mauris […]

Heartbeats run on generous hearts

Curabitur pharetra sodales dolor eget mollis. In interdum mi leo, sed commodo sapien dignissim ut. Fusce eu pulvinar tortor. Vivamus odio lectus, feugiat a neque eu, adipiscing accumsan turpis. Nunc laoreet, lectus a molestie interdum, urna diam adipiscing purus, nec accumsan purus mauris ac sem. Nunc pulvinar, leo ut convallis eleifend, odio odio feugiat mi, non aliquam lacus lectus at dolor. Nulla faucibus felis ut suscipit molestie. Aenean nec dolor id nibh rutrum varius sed at libero. Cras tincidunt, metus sit amet vestibulum adipiscing, sapien purus blandit elit, id malesuada nunc nunc eget nunc. Aliquam sit amet egestas tellus.

Every heartbeat tells a story

Vivamus odio lectus, feugiat a neque eu, adipiscing accumsan turpis. Nunc laoreet, lectus a molestie interdum, urna diam adipiscing purus, nec accumsan purus mauris ac sem. Nunc pulvinar, leo ut convallis eleifend, odio odio feugiat mi, non aliquam lacus lectus at dolor. Nulla faucibus felis ut suscipit molestie. Aenean nec dolor id nibh rutrum varius sed at libero. Cras tincidunt, metus sit amet vestibulum adipiscing, sapien purus blandit elit, id malesuada nunc nunc eget nunc. Aliquam sit amet egestas tellus.

Ever additional heartbeat is a victory

Nunc porttitor, ante et eleifend accumsan, nisl sem interdum nisi, id porta metus nibh eget nisi. Ut et mi quis nisi varius faucibus eu vitae tortor. Nulla eu elit est. Ut id nibh sapien. Suspendisse volutpat non turpis eu blandit. Mauris adipiscing neque non arcu tincidunt, sed auctor sem sodales. Nunc tempor, urna in eleifend condimentum, leo orci lacinia sem, ut mattis justo eros quis libero. Donec pulvinar tincidunt lacus eget imperdiet.

Together our successes are measured in heartbeats

Sed vel interdum est, nec fermentum velit. Donec convallis arcu vel nisi mollis sollicitudin. Aliquam a convallis leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt nisl id justo aliquam, vel vestibulum ligula fringilla. Aliquam et facilisis dui. Phasellus suscipit fringilla viverra. Cras cursus consectetur eleifend. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus venenatis dapibus ullamcorper. Nunc dictum sed sapien eu commodo. Nam egestas tincidunt mi, eget pulvinar nibh ornare ac.

2011 Annual Report

One of my key goals as CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is improving how we work together. By that, I mean how we work as a team within the foundation and how we work with our larger team of partners to build better lives for the people we serve.

In the year since I wrote my last annual letter, I’ve made some important changes at the foundation—changes that will help all of us maximize the impact of our work together.

2010 Annual Report

One of the most gratifying parts of my job as CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

is watching the successes we achieve year by year add up to our big 10- and 20-year goals. The ritual of putting together the annual report helps me reflect on how impact accumulates over time.

In 2005, for example, we wrote about the recent phase I trials for a new vaccine for meningitis, one of the most dreaded diseases in the world.

2009 Annual Report

As CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, my job is to make sure we are using our resources—our endowment, the expertise of our staff, and the voices of our leaders—to the utmost, so that we can have the maximum possible impact on people’s lives. And the next five years offer a historic opportunity to have an impact on the health and welfare of people in the developing world. Even in the face of very tough economic times across the globe, I am optimistic when I think about all that we can accomplish together with our partners.